Wednesday 25 September 2019

Holes by Louis Sachar

Hi i'm Ethan this term my classroom has been reading a book called holes, its about a boy called Stanley Yelnats . The start of the story is about these shoes falling from the sky and landing on Stanley's head, he picks them up and runs down the street until a police car pulls in front of him. Stanley goes to court and gets to chose to go to camp green lake of prison he chooses camp green lake, because he has never been to any camp before.

My favourite character was Zero because he hardly talks he has big brown curly hair and he is the fastest digger. The movie is set at Camp Green Lake.                               

the link of the presentation  (link)
My favourite holes activity was about how to survive in a desert. It shows you what you will need to survive if you ever get stuck in a desert.

Monday 23 September 2019

My T3 W6 Reflection

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

I have learnt how to toboggan

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   

It was fun we got to go on the magic carpet when you get to the end of the toboggan you go on this escalator that takes you to the top of the learners slope

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  

We couldn’t learn to ski because the weather was really bad you could see nothing

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

Go on a better day

My T3 W7 Reflection

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week
 Myths and legends,Te Reo Greetings Reading Eggs Spelling,Kapa Haka mathletics,prototec,FIO,Calendar Art Talent Show,Waita/singing,Holes Activities Fancy Dress Line Dance 

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   
I have finished drawing my calendar art and I am up to colouring. I have learnt the moves to our line dance I can now jump
Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  
Everything has gone well this week
Green hat - what can you do better next week  
Finish my mahi

My T3 W4 Reflection


White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

Holes, cybersmart, tessellation, throwing and catching, singing, fitness, mud run watched schools got talent symmetry character description .

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?

I have learned more about fractions decimals and percentages, I hadn’t learned about percentages until now.

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?

I had to catch up on quite a lot of work.

Green hat - what can you do better next week

Catch up on work

my T3 W9 Reflection

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week
Myth writing,fancy dress,calendar art,measurement,Doug dragster,basic facts,tessellation,direct speech workshop,timestables
Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   
Dancing in the fancy dress with my dad doing the macarena
Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  
Doug the dragster I have only done one activity with Annabelle
Green hat - what can you do better next week  
Try to do as many activities as I can do

my T3 W8 Reflection.

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

 Myths and legends,fancy dress practice, teacher read,watched holes movie,rippa rugby tournament, kapa haka,assembly,defend the cone,FIO,cybersmart,

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   

I ripped people’s flags when I was playing rippa rugby.

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  

I keep on waking up early

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

Sleep in 

how to use voice search

this is a screencastify on how to use voice search