Friday 5 November 2021

kaylis peneha awarded steven adams backetball scholarship

 kaylis peneha has been awarded a 5 year steven adams scholarship at scots college in wellington. he had to do an exam to get in he was very lucky. he had attended two steven adams he is felling very prod of himself his coach paxman taurima is very proud of him

kaylis is apart of the raukawa basketball team. he is very lucky that the other person with the scholarship was finishing this year so it was perfect timing. he had to do a few tests to get into scots college about reading and math and a few other things its a boarding college.

kaylis has always loved basketball. he has player since he was 6 years old. he is very lucky to get a scholarship he got a full scholarship. so that means everything is paid or. 

all his food all his work books toiletries are all payed for. I hope he does well in his future and that he becomes a very good basketball player.  kaylis has also always been very fast i remember he used to win most of the cross countrys and making it into the interschools.

When did you get the scholarship?

Friday 29 October 2021

labour weekend

 on staurday morning my dad got a text from a kid named junior that he used to look after. it had been a year since we had seen him. they asked us if we wanted to go to haruatai park. of cause we said yes.when we first got there we climbed on top of the slide and slid down on top. 

then I asked my dad to set us some tasks he said ok. we had to start at the red spinny thing and get to the sandpit without touching grass bark and black. it took us a while to find a route to get there without touching the things. then we had to get from the sandpit to the big blue slide. 

without toughing the ground or silver.that one didnt take as long it was pretty easy. then we had a snack and my friend came to the park. then we did a few more tasks. then me and my friend went home and had some lunch, we also desided to go to the sand dunes.

we jumped off some ledges and rolled around in the sand. then a few people came with mini surf boards and boogie board's and slid down the huge hills and slopes. then we desided to go to the stream next to the sand dunes we threw some sticks in and rocks and a few other things to see what would float and what would sink. then we went home and had a nerf war. me and my freind vs my siser and dad.

Thursday 2 September 2021

Mask wearing in public

 I agree with prime minister Jacinda Ardern that we should wear masks when we go out in public and stay two meters apart. this will prevent the spread of coronavirus throughout New Zealand and make it safe for us to go about our normal day to day routine. I miss our cousins overseas and with coronavirus around we cant visit them or they can not come over here. I also miss shopping and catching up with my friends. if we get rid of covid in our community we get to do the things we want to do again. like going to the playground, swimming,trampoline parks and school. keeping away from people not in our bubble will prevent covid-19 from spreading

Monday 9 August 2021

My goals for this term

 Group work

my goal for this term would probably be to work with other people not just the same group over and over again.

math work 

My math goal would be learning my times tables past 12. like my 13 and 14 times tables

writing work

My writing goal would be to learn longer words and write longer storys/paragraphs

reading work

In reading I want to be able to read faster and learn how to pronounce longer words

Personal goal

I want to finish my work faster and finish all of it.

Bed time


Friday 25 June 2021

rocket challenge

We have started to make our rockets we need a 1.5 lliter bottle. and a ice cream container to make our fins. we cut out our fins and glued them onto our rocket we went out for a test flight our furthers we got was 15 meters. we used a force of 60 psi and a water level of 300ml. also before we started making our rockets we made paper planes to test out how far they go. we also had to cheek the aerodynamics of the bottle and cheek the fins we had to see how balenced our rocket was. we conected our rocket to the pump to pump it us so it had some thrust to get it off the ground.  then is was blast off. we havent done our final blast off yet because the pump didn't work 

Newtons laws
His first law, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. The second law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. The third law, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

Friday 4 June 2021

Ipo and andrea

 today andrea and epo came in. Ipo is a cockatoo we got to pat him. most cockatoos come from astralia. he had a brocken leg and wing. Ipo us an omnivore so that means he eat plants and onther animals. he loves children, cats and dogs. he also likes dancing and artwork. cockatoos love eating seeds. over in astralia the destroy orchards because all they want is the seeds inside of the fruit. 

  1. Ipo the cockatoo, Wellington's bird without a feather but a big wardrobe |

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Scieance Roadshow

 On Tuesday the 30 of march we went to a scieance Road show. they came to our hall. hen we first got in to the hall there where a few other classes. we were one of the last clases to get there.  They instructers introducided themselfs to us. there names where jess, steph and merry They showed us a few explotions with ballons. they where very loud we where told to block our ears. It was very loud I could still hear it with my ears fully blocked. It even shook the ground. they had heaps of things around the hall. after the experiments we got to walk around and go to any activity we want. I went to the rocket shooter. we had to shoot these soft foam. there where long ones and short ones. the short ones worked beter because they where lighter so they travelled faster but they where a little more thin then the big ones so it was a little hard to hit the target but I hit it after a few goes. after I went to some handprints on them there was copper written on two aliminuam and another zink with to. there was a preasure gadge in the midle and it showed how much electrisity you had inside you.I got up to fifty witch was the max thet was around about all I did.

Friday 19 March 2021

Otaki college bollards


W.A.L.T express our ideas about the bollards installed along our driveway. We are using descriptive language and checking our sentence structure is correct in our blog writing.

A cuple of days ago there where bollards put down the driveway the color of them where blue to represent the college. They where put there so no one walks on the road otherwise they might get run over they are also there for if a car losses control going down the drive way they will hit the bollards and they wont hit us but It would be bad for them because they might get hurt and we wont. also they are there to stop anyone riding there bike scooter's down the driveway because might corss the crossing when your not looking and you might run into them. also blue is my favourite color and they have shiny grey chains dangleing down and conecting to the other post. we are only aloud to cross the crossing just down from the entrance of school. no one is aloud to cross the road unlees your using the crossing

I like your grammar its very nice.

Friday 26 February 2021

Kia Kaha buddies

 Today we went out onto the courts and played some games with our kia kaha buddies. There names are Jayda and Oriwa and they would say 123 and we would all say all eyes on me so they would get our attention. the first thing we did was introduce our names. then we played bang to see if we remember each others names. if you don't know what bang is, it is game when someone calls out a name, if that name is your's you need to duck and the people next to you have to aim and say bang like there shooting at each other who ever says it last is out. if your still standing you will be out.

The next game we played was bull rush but you can link arms to take the other person back to save them then they could run again. I got out twice but Zenith and Karson saved me. then they mad it harder. so then when you got tagged you would be in with everyone else and you could also move around. next we played seaweed just like bull rush but if you got tag you had to stand still and act like seaweed and tag anyone and I enjoyed everything and It was very fun.

Comment very interesting  story :D     NICE WORK