Friday 10 November 2023

Evaluating Myself

 Over the past five weeks or so we have looked at leadership in many different ways. In the first week, we made a presentation About ourselves. We had to have Our pepeha, Our family, Friends, Pets, Life Stories, Abilities, Skills, Qualities, Important values, Challenges I have overcome, Things that motivate me, And my favorite things to do. In the second week, We made a presentation about an inspiring leader that we look up to. The person that I chose was Martin Luther King Jr. He was very well known for his civil rights Movement. He has many inspiring quotes one of them is, Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. Both my ko wai au and inspiring leader have been posted on my blog which you can look at. 

In the third week, we made a leadership video. I made this video with Giorgio, Sam, Zach, and myself. We made ours about football. There were six different scenes. The Great Man Theory, Trait theory, behavioral theory, contingency theory, transactional leadership, and transformation theories. In the fourth week, we filled out some forms to see where we think we are and how well we think we are doing in class. We then made a reflective piece of writing about why we joined Manukura and why we think that it is good for us. We also had to do a writing competition using a random word generator and use those words to write a three-paragraph story. The three words I got were coffee, tanning, and laundry. They were pretty easy to write about but I decided to change things around a little And make the person come close to death. On the first thing I write about their coffee getting poisoned and then when she gets home she faints but luckily her friend comes in and takes her to the hospital. On the second time she falls into the laundry machine and then nearly drowns. But while she was tanning a star blew up and crashed into the earth and blew up the earth.

In the fifth week ( this week ) We made a 10-question quiz about ourselves. I made mine on Kahoot and a few others made theirs on blooket. Another thing we have done is rewrite a song so that the lyrics are about ourselves then perform it in front of the class.

So this is what we have been doing over the past five weeks.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Reflective writing

I was interested because I knew that it would be something different for me                 
and I knew that being with people I know would help me work a bit better and work well with my groups

We have been learning about different types of leaders and leadership styles.  We have been learning about ourselves and we have done a few podcast shows with people that show different leadership styles

I think that I am keeping up with work very well. I finish most of my work before the end of the week and beforehand it used to take a lot longer

  I am putting more detail into my work compared to my old classes. Like my presentations, I have changed around layouts, added more color, and added more photos compared to the usual


Staying in the same classroom

Fewer interruptions

With people I know well


Sam is not always with us

Easy to sneak off task

Sometimes everyone can be a bit too loud 

I feel like I am working very well but sometimes drift off task and start talking. I find that I work a lot better when you are in the classroom because I find that everyone else is on task so I also stay on task

It would help me work a lot better if Sam is in the classroom all the time cos then everyone else would stay on task and then we would work in peace instead of some people being loud

I have found out that our timetables are changing next week and everyone will have each class at the same time

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Personality Test


My personality test said that I am a Counselor. This means that I am a trustworthy and supportive person. I find comfort in groups And check to see if people feel right. Some of my Drainers are Demanding deadlines, Emotional detachment, and facing conflict with others. Some of the ways I use these aspects in School and in the community are in sports and I class. I can Cooperate well in the group and give out all of my ideas. I can bring positive energy and warmth into a team but a bad thing is that I stay silent about other peoples options and don't question there opinions 

Friday 13 October 2023

'I believe that leadership is...'

 leadership is About being hardworking and having a good connection with the people around you. I also think that you need to be a trustworthy and honest person. you need to be a person who people can come and talk to. You need to be kind and show integrity. another thing is that you should never give up and put others before yourself. if you come against a hard challenge then you need to perceive to get past it. That is what I believe leadership is

Ko Wai Au/Who Am I


This is my Ko Wai Au presentation

Thursday 30 June 2022

40 Hour Famine


We have been working on the 40-hour famine. It is about helping the children that are In need of water because they have to walk a very long way to get to a river/stream with dirty water.  so that's why they have the 40-hour famine. you have 40 hours to do a challenge like 40 hours no eating or sleeping. your can donate to wonder project to help the children in need