Wednesday 18 October 2023

Personality Test


My personality test said that I am a Counselor. This means that I am a trustworthy and supportive person. I find comfort in groups And check to see if people feel right. Some of my Drainers are Demanding deadlines, Emotional detachment, and facing conflict with others. Some of the ways I use these aspects in School and in the community are in sports and I class. I can Cooperate well in the group and give out all of my ideas. I can bring positive energy and warmth into a team but a bad thing is that I stay silent about other peoples options and don't question there opinions 

Friday 13 October 2023

'I believe that leadership is...'

 leadership is About being hardworking and having a good connection with the people around you. I also think that you need to be a trustworthy and honest person. you need to be a person who people can come and talk to. You need to be kind and show integrity. another thing is that you should never give up and put others before yourself. if you come against a hard challenge then you need to perceive to get past it. That is what I believe leadership is

Ko Wai Au/Who Am I


This is my Ko Wai Au presentation