Wednesday 31 March 2021

Scieance Roadshow

 On Tuesday the 30 of march we went to a scieance Road show. they came to our hall. hen we first got in to the hall there where a few other classes. we were one of the last clases to get there.  They instructers introducided themselfs to us. there names where jess, steph and merry They showed us a few explotions with ballons. they where very loud we where told to block our ears. It was very loud I could still hear it with my ears fully blocked. It even shook the ground. they had heaps of things around the hall. after the experiments we got to walk around and go to any activity we want. I went to the rocket shooter. we had to shoot these soft foam. there where long ones and short ones. the short ones worked beter because they where lighter so they travelled faster but they where a little more thin then the big ones so it was a little hard to hit the target but I hit it after a few goes. after I went to some handprints on them there was copper written on two aliminuam and another zink with to. there was a preasure gadge in the midle and it showed how much electrisity you had inside you.I got up to fifty witch was the max thet was around about all I did.

Friday 19 March 2021

Otaki college bollards


W.A.L.T express our ideas about the bollards installed along our driveway. We are using descriptive language and checking our sentence structure is correct in our blog writing.

A cuple of days ago there where bollards put down the driveway the color of them where blue to represent the college. They where put there so no one walks on the road otherwise they might get run over they are also there for if a car losses control going down the drive way they will hit the bollards and they wont hit us but It would be bad for them because they might get hurt and we wont. also they are there to stop anyone riding there bike scooter's down the driveway because might corss the crossing when your not looking and you might run into them. also blue is my favourite color and they have shiny grey chains dangleing down and conecting to the other post. we are only aloud to cross the crossing just down from the entrance of school. no one is aloud to cross the road unlees your using the crossing

I like your grammar its very nice.