Friday 24 July 2020

Holiday's) Kai iwi Holiday park 20/72020

Whanganui Playground Review: Kai Iwi Beach | Tots in TawheroKai Iwi Beach Holiday Park | Holiday Parks Association of New Zealand

Me, dad and kiara were packing to go to kai iwi holiday park in Whanganui to see my best friend Ezaiah. He and his family moved away just before lockdown which was sad because I didn't get to say bye or see him. The next day we began the hour and a half drive to their campground. On the way we got a milkshake at McDonald's in bull I love banana milkshakes. We drove 34 minutes exactly to Whanganui then 15 minutes out of town to get to the campground. we finally had gotten there. we got out of the van dad went and got the key. I heard Ezaiah yelling out my name then I saw him and ran over to him and said "hi". we got to the tourist cabin at kai iwi campground. there was a queen bed and the couch turned into a double bed. we unpacked and we went for a walk to the playground. The flying fox was awesome. You got to zipline over the river and then rolled back. to land. you wouldn't want to fall off when you're over the river or you will be saturated or hit your head on the big rocks. Then we went back to the campground and we went to his house then back to our cabin. we played some keyboard and I solved A rubix cubes. we wanted to go to the skate park but it was getting dark. we had dinner. we all had chicken tender and wedges. we made the fold out couch bed where I was going to be sleeping. We had A go on our Tablets and went to sleep. we woke up the next day and i got dressed, got in the van went to a pump track for scooters. I fell of intently, hurt my elbow, my leg and my other leg. I waited for a little while, got my scooter and began riding. we got board pretty quickly so we went up the big memorial tower It was exactly 176 steps up and 175 down. we went  to the skate park next. I went down the bowl and scootered around. we got board again so we went to the big park. my dad and sister where just coming towards us and said they had had enough. we went to the van had some biscuits and drove around town to the mall. Mc Donald's was next for a milkshake and a ten pack of nuggets we ate on the way back to camp. We got back at the right time for the bbq that Ezaiah’s parents had invited us to. We played stoplight until dinner, we found the best hiding place… in a tree and in these bushes  that you can’t see into. After dinner we went into the kitchen and watched lego batman because that was the only thing on. We played in our cabin. And found out that my sister was having a sleepover at Ezaiah’s house. So we asked if he could sleepover in our cabin. The parents said yes. He slept on the pull out couch with me. We woke up in the morning and had breakfast and started to pack out stuff because it was our last day. We had to be out of our cabin at 10:00 Am. We got out at like 10:10 Am. We dropped the key to the office. Ezaiah took us to the beach and his school so we knew where it was. We wrote a few things in the sand. We dropped him off at the campground and began our journey back home. The End. Oh wait we had a milkshake in bulls. THE END

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