Friday 4 December 2020

Feed back about our games

 Our feedback

some people said make the instructions more easier to read so they could understand how to play the game. next time we will  make our games instructions more easier to read. the game we made was called double dice its when you roll five dice and try to get as many doubles as you can. The game was pretty fun to play. I hope everyone else liked our feedback. We took ages trying to make up our game. Tahana Samuel and I made the game. we had lots of fun creating it together. Hope you like our game

Friday 27 November 2020

Double Dice Maths Game

 Our game is called double dice. It's when you roll five dice and try to get as many doubles as you can. first to ten doubles win. Our instructions are, roll five dice and try to get as many doubles as you can. If any dice fall off the table then they will not be counted. If you roll 1,2,3,4 and 5 you instantly win the game. I have only rolled 1,2,3,4 and 5 once. I have created the game with Samuel,Tahana and I. I hope we get good feedback from everyone and I hope they like our game. Our game can have the max of 10 players at a time. Our game is not a original we made it.I think our game presentation is at least 80%. The equipment we need are pen/pencil, paper and dice. 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Curious Cove Highlights

 My first highlight would be kayaking. I hadn't been kayaking in ages. we saw a few stingrays swimming in the water but they where gone in a few seconds because they got scared of us. it was very fun and we got pretty wet when someone splashed you. I also loved fishing. I was having no luck the whole day and when we had to pack up I hooked up a fish and I was so happy to finally catch a fish. My last highlight was eating dinner every night. By Ethan 

Monday 21 September 2020

what I want to be in ten years

W.A.L.T think about our future

In ten years I want to be a builder or join the army 

How will I get there

I will get there if I do well in school and get good grades  

What do I need to get there 

good grades and skill

Who is going to help my to get there

Teachers, family and friends

Next stage of Network Enabled Army programme to begin - DefsecBuilders - what does a Builder do?

Friday 11 September 2020

What I want changed about google forms

 Managing Self - Accountability and Responsibility 

I think the google form It is very good how It is. It has enough questions to answer and I understand all of It. I like the title the only thing that I think that needs to be changed Is the 1st question because I thought It was my real address like where I live.