Friday 25 June 2021

rocket challenge

We have started to make our rockets we need a 1.5 lliter bottle. and a ice cream container to make our fins. we cut out our fins and glued them onto our rocket we went out for a test flight our furthers we got was 15 meters. we used a force of 60 psi and a water level of 300ml. also before we started making our rockets we made paper planes to test out how far they go. we also had to cheek the aerodynamics of the bottle and cheek the fins we had to see how balenced our rocket was. we conected our rocket to the pump to pump it us so it had some thrust to get it off the ground.  then is was blast off. we havent done our final blast off yet because the pump didn't work 

Newtons laws
His first law, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. The second law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. The third law, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

Friday 4 June 2021

Ipo and andrea

 today andrea and epo came in. Ipo is a cockatoo we got to pat him. most cockatoos come from astralia. he had a brocken leg and wing. Ipo us an omnivore so that means he eat plants and onther animals. he loves children, cats and dogs. he also likes dancing and artwork. cockatoos love eating seeds. over in astralia the destroy orchards because all they want is the seeds inside of the fruit. 

  1. Ipo the cockatoo, Wellington's bird without a feather but a big wardrobe |