Monday 21 September 2020

what I want to be in ten years

W.A.L.T think about our future

In ten years I want to be a builder or join the army 

How will I get there

I will get there if I do well in school and get good grades  

What do I need to get there 

good grades and skill

Who is going to help my to get there

Teachers, family and friends

Next stage of Network Enabled Army programme to begin - DefsecBuilders - what does a Builder do?

Friday 11 September 2020

What I want changed about google forms

 Managing Self - Accountability and Responsibility 

I think the google form It is very good how It is. It has enough questions to answer and I understand all of It. I like the title the only thing that I think that needs to be changed Is the 1st question because I thought It was my real address like where I live.